There is no failure, you either win or you learn?

2020 was going to be my winning year, and I’m sure I wasn’t alone in thinking that.

For some there were weddings to look forward to, new businesses starting out, kids settled into a new year at school, new promotions at work, the world was our oyster.

New intentions were set in January, we all have those generic ones, going to lose weight, exercise more, blah blah blah and we know they will be long forgotten before February 1st.

But this year I had big plans although I didn’t realise how big until the year went on. In February I published my first book and I liken that to showing my arse on the Town Hall steps. The thing that I had been building up to for the past couple of years was out there for all to see and judge.

I wasn’t sure what kind of reaction I would get and all I wanted to do was hide in the solace of my home and not see anyone. Ironically that’s what I got, that’s what we all got. Lesson number 1 be careful what you wish for

My book did well and initially I monitored the sales and reviews daily. I never hit an Amazon best seller list but that’s partly because I didn’t know there was a knack to that. Lesson number 2 learn about amazon algorithms before you publish a book

After publishing my book I didn’t realise I had to market it, so google, how to market a book. I learnt lots, mainly through trial and error. Mostly error if I’m totally honestly but again lots of learning. Lesson number 3 have some knowledge of marketing before you try and wing it. I have a Masters at winging it.

Through my lessons on marketing I decided networking was a way forward. I signed up to any network group going, each had their own social media pages that go alongside them.  Cue social media overwhelm. Lesson number 4 not every networking group is right for you

However, through my networking I was introduced to a production company who loved my book and wanted to make a pilot show about it . Massive effin WIN

The whole process  took time, I had to be patient. This was life changing for me and the stinks. I needed to keep my feet on the ground.  Patience isn’t one of my strongest skills, but I waited, whilst perusing through Pinterest for Bafta awards gowns. Lesson 5 you don’t buy a Bafta dress off ASOS

While this was all happening I took my foot off the ball, book two was my plan, but as dress picking became my priority writing went on the back burner. Three months into talks with the production company, hubby and I had had decided who was going to play our characters, for me obviously Michelle Keagan, the similarities couldn’t be ignored (northern and female) and for Adam, it had to be Jason Statham again overwhelming similarities, (bald and male). I had visualised myself picking up my award with my standing ovation. It was all going to happen.  Massive effin FAIL or Lesson number 6 something bigger and better is always around the corner

Then I received the phone call. The pilot show wasn’t going to happen, due to several reasons. But they wished me well.  Lesson number 7 Crying on the phone isn’t very professional

So back to writing book number two. Which at the start of the year was a massive goal in the first place, so, irrespective of COVID, in 2020 I felt like I have been whisked up the Eiffel tower in a massive romantic gesture, wearing an amazing dress, then dropped from the top at great speed in my loungewear.

But look at all those lessons I’ve learnt. Aren’t I the lucky one!?! Now I have picked the Bafta dress I need somewhere to wear it, 2021 is going to be my winning year, I just know it

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